ART PROGRAMアートプログラム部門

Reona Nishinaga
A person’s tale
Nishinaga deals with highly personal matters, such as his roots and body.
However, his point of view is critical, a social intervention from his position.
The story of "a certain person," told through kagee (paper cutouts), is Nishinaga's personal account, but it can also be read as a story about Okinawa.
Coordination:KUBO Hayato(Quantum Leaps Complex Office)
exhibition hall
Reona Nishinaga
Since childhood, she has moved from one place to another, living on Okinawa Island, Miyako Island, Ho Chi Minh City, and Akita Prefecture. She uses her own family history collection and childhood memories as the starting point for her artwork. In 2020, she graduated from the Graduate School of Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts with a Master's in Environmental Design. Her najor exhibitions include solo shows "Halloween Children" (Arts Tropical/Okinawa, 2019), "Portability" (HAPS/Kyoto, 2019), "OKIMIYAGE" (Alternative Space HESO/Yamagata, 2021), "Okinawans" (gallery (gallery rougheryet/Okinawa, 2022).
【Guest Curator】Megumi Machida
Born in Naha City and living in the same city. Based in Okinawa, she holds exhibitions and writes both inside and outside the prefecture.
At the Yanbaru Art Festival 2021-22, she planned "A place/A scene" (Hentona venue).
Currently, she is preparing for miyagiya exhibition vol.5, which she has been working on since 2018.